
The Gorilla Hunters By R. M. Ballantyne

Would you like to trek across Africa encountering wild animals along with savages? Well, this is the book for you. I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I did.

It is educational. This book tells you about many plants, insects, and animals that you have never heard of before. Here is an example of an insect which distills water from it. You can learn about many of these interesting things when you read this book. It presents the facts in a fun and enjoyable way.

It is exciting. You are always on the edge of your seat whether hunting gorillas, rhinos, elephants, monkeys, and lions or leading savages on war expeditions. This is a very good book to stick your nose into.

It incites people to have good character. Whether dealing with treacherous slave dealers or persuading blood-thirsty savages to spare someone’s life, the author never resorts to murder or revenge. The book impels you to act courageously and uprightly and to fight against these things along with all ungodliness.

The next time you suggest a book for the library to get, suggest this one. It is very exciting traveling and hunting across Africa.


Almost Fall

The last thing I knew was that spring had sprung and now it is almost fall! The fair will be upon us this weekend already. I was able to go to the U.P. State Fair with my grandparents on the 19th. They had a lumberjack show there which was fun to watch. They have it at our fair sometimes, but last year they didn't. So, have a good week.


Strawberry Season Is Upon Us!

Well, this morning Jonathan and Grandpa E. went strawberry picking. They are very juicy and delicious. The birds have been getting into our raspberries and pecking them. I put the owl and hawk out there so that should keep them away.

Jonathan's birthday is tomorrow so, he will be able to get his drivers license Monday. Once he has his license he will probably be down picking strawberries every day. jk But he does really like strawberries.



Wow! What a month. I have been very busy with birthdays, finishing school, and a lot of other things. Today was Bethany's party so, she was happy(so was I). She got a few puzzles, a ball, and some other things including a Little Tikes phone. Now I am tired, so, I will go.

Until next time,


A Short Story I am Working on

The Adventures of a Young Boy Named George

Once upon a time there was a young, adventuring boy who liked to hunt and fish. His name was George. He lived with his family in a cottage on a lake.

One day George decided to go fishing. He had just gotten a new rod and reel. So, with happy thoughts he trotted down the stairs to the lake where he found his older brother Fredrick, fishing off of the dock. He casted out his line and waited..... and waited....and waited some more... and then, the bobber disappeared. George gave a tremendous jerk! He let out a shout of joy when he discovered that it was a sixteen and five-eigth inch perch! This was a record for his family. His older brother came running over and helped George get some pictures of he trophy. When they went to the house George showed his father and mother his perch. They were very happy for him. George and his father filleted and cooked the perch for dinner; it was delicious.

It was a foggy day when George finished his school for the year. Tomorrow was the opening say of turkey season and George was allowed to hunt. That evening he made sure that he had all of his hunting supplies ready. He got up at four o'clock next morning and ate a quick breadfast, slipped on his camo, and walked to the place that he had scouted out two days before. There had been a big gobbler roosting there. George set up his decoys and got in place; he gave a soft yelp and waited. In ten minutes he heard the turkeys making some sounds and gobbling. Five minutes after that he watched them fly down from their roosts. He watched then as they saw the decoys and in; they came closer and closer until thely were in range, and then, click. The turkeys tunrned and ran. George quickly saw what had happened; he forgot to put any shells in his gun. What a bummer. But George wasn't too disapointed because he knew that he had more chances to try


There are some crazy people out there!

Well, we met some funny guys that were going to drive through a big mud puddle so we video taped them.


Busy, Busy

I have been very busy for the past week or two with turkey hunting and trout fishing coming on now. I haven't been able to shoot a gobbler yet but I hope it will be soon because it gets hard to keep getting up really early at least thrice every week. I got to trout fish once and we caught three brook trout. Wednesday night we picked night crawlers successfully. It was pretty wet but we got a lot of night crawlers. Walleye season opens the 15th so we have to have plenty of crawlers to fish for them. Monday evening we had our piano recital which went well.
Until next time,


Last Week

Well, we have had a busy past few days. We went to Marquette Thursday morning and afternoon. We left at 5:00 AM because my sister had some early appointments. So, after they were done it was about 9:00 AM: therefore, we decided to do some shopping. We went to Kohl's, Target, and Gander Mountain. Then after lunch we went and visited some friends quickly before we headed home.

Friday we went fishing in the afternoon on the mouth of the Menominee river in Green Bay. We didn't catch much but it was fun. We fished until 8:30 PM and then went home.

Saturday morning and mid afternoon we helped some people move. Then in the evening we went to church for the youth activity. It was a picture scavenger hunt in Norway and Iron Mountain. It was a lot of fun.

Sunday afternoon we relaxed. In the evening we went for a ride with the whole family. We then did a little shopping before we went home.

Monday we did school and laundry a lot of the day.

Today we did school and therapy for my sister.

Until next time,

Answers to the Polls

The answer to the President poll was Rutherford Hayes. The answer to the Franz Liszt poll was Hungarian Rhapsody #2.
Thanks for voting.



This morning I got up and read in Psalms. Then I spent some time in prayer. I then did chicken & cat chores. Afterwards I ate breakfast. Then I started my school for the day. I did science first. I studied for the test. Next I did math, English, history, reading, and geography.

At 3:30 PM we started to put wallpaper up in the bathroom. It is a wilderness border with bears, fish, canoes, moose, trees, and ducks on it. I also learned about formatting of web pages with my dad and older brother. It was very fun and interesting.


First Post

Today it was overcast with highs around 50. Light winds around 5 mph. A perfect day for inside projects such as homework, cleaning, and instrument practice.
ace wonder movie
The Way of the Master