
Jason Lee

     Charles Ludwig wrote about Jason Lee’s interesting life in his biography entitled Jason Lee: Winner of the Northwest. Mountain men and Indians were some of Jason Lee’s neighbors. He was the first missionary in what is now known as Oregon.

     Although when Jason was young he didn’t want anything to do with Christian matters, that changed when he was twenty-three. There was a revival meeting going on in his town and his brother and sister were going to it. Jason went too and it was then that he became a Christian. He had a strong desire to be a missionary to the Indians in the Northwest.

     Jason went to a Methodist Academy when he was twenty-six and studied to be a circuit rider. He learned that it was a hard life but he was ready to do whatever God called him to do. In 1833 Jason received a letter from Bishop Hedding. It informed him that he was to be the first Methodist missionary assigned to the Northwest. A few days later he was ordained by Bishop Elijah Hedding. He was now Reverend Jason Lee.

     Now Jason started raising money to start the mission. This was an easy job because everybody wanted to help him. He also had to find a good guide. This was a problem; however, Jason was speaking with a man who was going to Oregon with a group of people. Jason met with him and decided to go with. They were going to board a steamer at Pittsburgh and follow the rivers to St. Louis. Then they would set out on mules or horses and be careful not to be ambushed by the Blackfoot. It would take about eight months to get there.

     Jason arrived in Oregon after many hardships. He built the mission on the Willamette in 1835. He started conducting services and a few Indians were coming. The mission grew quickly and in 1841 he moved the mission to Chemeketa. A famous mountain man named Joe Meek was converted at a revival meeting. Joe was known for his evil deeds. In 1844 Jason Lee was dismissed by his missionary board because some jealous people were spreading false rumors. A year later, Jason Lee died on March 2, 1845.

     About 50 years after he died people realized that he was the first missionary to the Indians in the Northwest. He had successfully built a mission and a school for the Indians and white people that lived around there. He had also taught the Indians how to work the ground and plant crops. In 1906 his remains were moved and reburied in Salem. In 1947 a statue of Jason Lee was placed in Washington’s Statuary Hall of Fame.

     This book was very interesting. It was easy to read because it was full of adventure. I enjoyed the stories about mountain men and Indians.

Daniel Webster

     A lawyer, senator, Secretary of State, and defender of the Union, Daniel Webster was all of these. Robert Allen expounds to us his life in the book entitled Daniel Webster: Defender of the Union.

     Daniel was sickly as a child and grew up on a farm with an older brother, younger sister, and parents. Daniel was very smart; at five he could read and had a grand memory. His parents owned an inn as well as a farm. Daniel would often read the Bible aloud on the inn porch for any that cared to listen. Many people loved to listen to Daniel read the Bible. He had read the small library that his town had over and over and knew most of the books by heart.

     When Daniel became of age, his father sent him to an academy. It was very hard for him the first few months because no one had taught him everything he needed to know. He studied hard and progressed well. There was one thing however, that he could not bring himself to do. That was to give a speech. He had always enjoyed speaking in front of people when he was younger, but he was afraid to speak in front of his class. He overcame this fear later on in his life. When he had done one year at the academy, that was all that his family could afford at the time, so he began to teach. After a while they had enough money to have him tutored for college.

     After he had been prepared well enough to go to college, he was sent to one. He excelled in oration. When he graduated he wanted to be a lawyer. He studied under a lawyer and then took the bar examination. He set up a law office and started practicing. He made good money doing it. He was elected to congress by his state and so went to serve them in Washington DC. When his term was done he was elected again. When this term was done he was elected to the senate. He defended the Union a few times. He was also nominated to be a candidate for the office of President of the USA. Later he was asked to be Secretary of State and he accepted. A while later he resigned from the senate and as Secretary of State. He lived from 1782-1852. During his life he saved the USA from war and ruin a few times. One such time was in 1833 when the southern states were ready to fight the other states because they did not want a certain tariff. Daniel made a few speeches on the subject and made peace.

     This book was very interesting. I would have never known how important Daniel Webster was without this book. We need more books like this one so that we can learn about other great men of the past.

Isaac Newton

     Isaac Newton was a humble mastermind whose work greatly helped scientific studies. John Hudson Tiner wrote a biography on his life entitled Isaac Newton: Inventor, Scientist, and Teacher.

     Isaac grew up on a farm in England with his mother and grandmother. As a child Isaac enjoyed making models of things around him. Unlike most models of his time his actually worked. He spent a lot of his time drifted away in deep thought. He studied the Bible very much. His stepfather was a minister. He was sent to an academy when he was old enough. Isaac was at the top of his class. His teachers could tell that he was a genius.

     When he had finished school at the academy he went to Cambridge University. Cambridge was composed of fifteen or so colleges. Isaac entered Trinity which was the Bible college. He enjoyed college. He studied many things. He was always inventing or making something new and useful. One such thing was a telescope. He made it all by himself. He had solved the problem with having colors impeding the view. He was also great at mathematics. He could solve almost anything. On a vacation home he solved the questions about gravity and laid down the laws pertaining thereto. He was also made a member of the Royal Society. The Royal Society was a group of the leading minds of the day. He met many of the great scientists of his time. One of his favorites was Robert Boyle. He spent a lot of time with him.

     Isaac taught at Trinity. He gave lectures twice week on math. Later in his life a man by the name of Edmund Halley came to visit him. He had studied the skies but could not solve the way to calculate when comets would reappear. To his surprise Newton had all the answers stowed away! Halley convinced Newton to put all of his discoveries into a book. This Isaac did. He called it Pricipia. He wrote it in Latin so that scholars would not have to wait for it to be translated to read it. It sold very well. He wanted a change in his life so he got a government position. He was the person that ran the mint. This was a hard job because England needed all new coins because the coins England had were not the proper weight because they were so old and used. It was also hard because there were a lot of counterfeit coin makers that had to be caught in order for the process of minting new coins and getting rid of the old ones to run smoothly. Newton got the job done however in record time. He died a few years later.

     Isaac was a true genius as we have seen through what he has done for the scientific world. An interesting fact about most of the great scientists is that they were faithful Christians. They pored over their Bibles and wrote commentaries on different books of the Bible. This is a great book. Sower Series has a large collection of biographies on important people with good character.
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